Often you hear someone say, “There’s nothing new under the sun.” I suspect it’s true. In fact, creativity books often advise one to take several ideas and combine them in interesting ways to come up with a new approach to problem solving, challenges or innovative thinking.
This thought popped into my head when a friend showed me the blog of a California chef, cookbook author and event planner. While the topic of Heidi Swanson’s blog is very different from mine, she has an idea I really like.
I’m blatantly borrowing her idea. And adapting to my own use. While it is a little different than my typical travel post you might think of it as “traveling the internet.”
The idea is that once a month or so, I will post links and photos that are of interest to me and that I think readers of DesginDestinations.org might like. Heidi calls her version “Favorite things.”
So here goes.
I’m thinking House Swapping is a very cool idea, especially if you get to stay in a really great house. Here’s a link about House Swapping on one of my favorite sites, Houzz, that describes this possibility.
Click here to read about Living someone else’s life.
This is fun! What a great way to display your travel photos. These are instagrams but can be photographic form.

I’m quite intrigued with this new online design shop called ShelterBlack. Haven’t purchased anything yet….but I like the looks of it.
Never seen so much gray. Interesting hotel concept……not sure I want to stay in an old quarry. Check it out and tell me what you think.
I like this hotel group and have stayed in several of the hotels they represent. If you like Boutique hotels, often with interesting design, this site needs to be on your tool bar. And it isn’t just because we share the same name. But they got my attention.
I wish I could have seen this….. “A fish sculpture constructed from discarded plastic bottles rises out of the sand at Botafogo beach in Rio de Janeiro. The city is host to the UN Conference on Sustainable Development.”
This is a very interesting product to take on a trip. Handy. What do you think? Eco-Amp. To read about it go to http://design-milk.com/eco-amp-by-eco-made/
And, here’s a bit of shameless promotion. Our son Justin is starting a business creating city maps and would like your help. I do think what he is doing is really cool, creative and interesting. Hope you do too! If you’d like to know what he is up to, click here.
So, Whatdayathink? Do you like the idea of a favorite things blog post occasionally? Do you have links and things to add? Had any experience with any that I have listed here? Hope to hear from you.
2 CommentsKdernocoeur
Jul 5, 2012It’s like eating pretzels: if you try one you can’t stop eating. I can barely breathe with all the other internet work I have on my plate, so dare not start exploring, despite the lovely presentation! So what I do is, I save the blog and know I can go back to it when (if!) I ever have free time to browse… thanks!
Miller Marianne
Jul 11, 2012Enjoyed the opening photo as well as the text and photos that followed. Will need to take time to link to the sites of personal interest. Yes…like the concept. Just returned from a trip that included Marshall MI …what a jewel..the homes were amazing, consistent care and pride in the city’s place in MI history.