Who would have thought taking the Lake Express from one side of Lake Michigan to the other would be such a lovely experience? I recently made this trek so that I could visit my sister in Wisconsin. I’m so glad I did.

Leaving from Muskegon, it took two and a half hours and I was able to take my car, making it easy to head to my destination: Appleton, a couple of hours north of Milwaukee. The whole experience reminded me a bit of taking a car ferry in Denmark, going from Jutland to Copenhagen, a couple of years ago. That was a delightful way to travel. I’d do it again.
I had surprising Walk Down Memory Lane as the Lake Express headed out of the dock in Muskegon. I noticed a rather large ship tied up on a nearby dock. When we got closer I could see the name on the side–the Milwaukee Clipper. Wow. Very old memories flooded my brain. When I was a little girl, my Mother used to take us on that boat to cross the lake when we traveled to La Crosse, Wisconsin to visit my grand mother.
Dad would drive the family station wagon around Chicago (a 12 hour trip in those days) and meet us. I used to think it was so we could have fun on the boat, but now I realized they didn’t want to spend those 12 hours plus the time it took to get across the state of Wisconsin with three rambunctious kids in the car.
And rambunctious we were. My Mother didn’t handle being on water very well so she holed up in the cabin she booked while my siblings and I raced all around the ship. It would be interesting to tour the boat now to see if I can remember any of the spaces.

I noted with interest my fellow passengers on the Lake Express on this beautiful day in May. It was particularly fun to see a group of German motorcycling tourists, taking photos and marveling at our “big lake.” I’m told there’s a big Motorcycle museum in Wisconsin. Maybe they were headed there. Or the many hundreds of miles of country roads in Wisconsin lined with red barns and beautiful scenery was the draw.

The Milwaukee skyline was fun to see on the other side of our Big Lake, as Michiganders tend to call Lake Michigan. I noticed lots of construction.

In Appleton, Wisconsin, I enjoyed seeing this little pocket park on the main street. Colorful and inviting.

After my family visit, I headed back to Milwaukee where I spent the night so I could catch the 6 am ride back to Michigan.
I enjoyed a good walk, seeing old homes and buildings, a newer hip area and the Lakeshore. I think it would be an interesting city to explore more extensively.

I got caught in an unexpected downpour…..soaked from head to toe……but thoroughly enjoyed the rainbow that appeared after the storm.

Here’s an attempt to capture the rain bow over the wonderful Art Museum in Milwaukee. Hah! Needed a different camera lens and a lot more skill for that one, but I enjoyed trying. If the Art Museum isn’t familiar to you, check out this blog post about an earlier visit to this landmark addition to Milwaukee. You may want to add it to your destination list. Going to Chicago to see the Calatrava.

And then to top off the experience, I captured a sunrise over Lake Michigan from the Lake Express as we headed home.

6 CommentsKathy
Jun 7, 2016I like the way you find interesting buildings, people, and nature no matter where you go in the world. Your blog inspires me to travel with my eyes wide open!!
Susan J. Smith
Jun 7, 2016Thank you. I appreciate your positive comment.
Melanie Rogers
Jun 7, 2016I wasn’t even familiar with this ship. Intriguing, and great photos as always!
Susan J. Smith
Jun 8, 2016I think it has been in operation for a couple of years. It’s a great way to cross the lake. I wish we had one to Chicago.
Jun 8, 2016This looks like a lovely way to travel. I think I’ll try it. Thanks for keeping us all in the know. Miss you pal!
Jeff Bangsberg
Jun 8, 2016As you know, Anita and I (with Marti & Gene) took the Ludington ferry on our way back from lower Michigan to Minneapolis last August with our vehicle and saved ourselves from the heavy traffic via Chicago and the long way around via the UP. Although we very much enjoyed traveling east through Northern Michigan and across the bridge, taking the ferry back saved us a lot of time coming home. It’s nice to know there are additional ways to cross the lake. Nice post.