A couple of years ago I did a blog post using the word Transitions to highlight using images of entrances, archways, bridges and paths at Rancho La Puerta and quotes about the subject. I had been thinking about transitions or passages in my life. Recently I’ve been thinking about Reflections and what it means.
Reflections in photography are endlessly fascinating to me. I’m always drawn to reflections in glass facades of buildings, especially in urban settings but simpler ones as well.

I like reflections on bodies of water—lakes, puddles, ponds, you name it.

And it is fun to photograph reflections in sunglasses and car mirrors. When you start “seeing” with an eye towards capturing reflections, its really quite creative. Addicting actually.

The word Reflections has two meanings
They are:
1.the throwing back by a body or surface of light, heat, or sound without absorbing it: the reflection of light.
2. serious thought or consideration: “he doesn’t get much time for reflection.”
Both are of interest to me, but at the moment, the idea of mirroring back what I see is compelling especially in the context of this quote by Wayne Dyer.
“Like water which can clearly mirror the sky and the trees only so long as its surface is undisturbed, the mind can only reflect the true image of the Self when it is tranquil and wholly relaxed.”
I’m trying to be more relaxed. Not always easy, although a worthy goal. Maybe taking pictures of reflections will help me achieve it.
For fun, I dug though my photo library for images with reflections, hoping it they will provide a calm moment in your day and mine.

10 CommentsMary lockrow
Jul 30, 2018Wow Susan! Captured beautifully! Both in words and photos….the eye is the window of the soul where light and love converge! Thank you for sharing this moment of reflection! Mary
Susan J. Smith
Jul 30, 2018Thanks, Mary, I appreciate your comment.
Steve Soper
Jul 30, 2018Superb! So imaginative and what a treat for the mind’s eye. . . Thanks for sharing.
Susan J. Smith
Jul 30, 2018So nice of you to comment, Steve. I appreciate your comments. Thank you.
Marie Preston
Jul 31, 2018Love this!
Susan J. Smith
Aug 1, 2018Thank you.
Karl Grobl
Aug 1, 2018Wow, what a beautiful selection of thematic images! Bravo!
Susan J. Smith
Aug 20, 2018Thank you, Karl. I really appreciate your comment.
Aug 2, 2018Nice post, Susan. I’m taken with the quote from Wayne Dyer; but how hard it is the find a day when the surface of our minds aren’t riffled by wind!
Susan J. Smith
Aug 20, 2018I agree.