I didn’t really know what to expect when my friend booked a couple of nights at the Hotel Del Coronado on Coronado Island for us before going on to Rancho La Puerta. Yep, I knew it was a big hotel geared for conventions, meetings and family vacations on the beach of San Diego, but I didn’t know that the Island itself was developed to be a true resort.
History of Fun Times
Its main purpose was to provide a destination for recreation and relaxation. While the clientele has changed and the island also contains the military base, the island has always been a place to go to have a good time.
It all started in 1885 when two midwestern purchased the entire island with plans to erect a grand hotel. The Hotel Del Coronado is the iconic property that most people associate with Coronado Island. They also developed streets and sold lots for vacation homes. I posted a blog last week about the hotel.
The island is connected to the mainland with a bridge that is 200 feet at its highest point, allowing large aircraft carriers to travel under it. The view from the bridge is quite spectacular although some might find it scary. I took this picture at sunrise before the night time lights were turned off. It’s an iPhone shot. Sorry it is a little fuzzy.

Famous People Stayed Here
Many many famous people have visited the island. Interestingly, Frank Baum, the author of the Wizard of Oz, spent winters between 1904 and 1010 either at the hotel or this cute little cottage. Some say the scenery on the island was inspirational in his work.
I liked meandering the main street smiling at the cute signs, murals, funny stuff in front of shops. I indulged in a chocolate malted at a darling little coffee shop bringing back memories of my Dad taking me to our local drug store to sit at the sofa fountain to enjoy a similar ice cream delight.
Odd but Interesting
Near the hotel we saw these curious mounds of sand. We were told they spell out Coronado which you can see from the air. I would have liked to have had a drone to photograph them, but a Google Search accomplished that.

We had dinner one night at a restaurant in this old building, one time the resort’s boat house and the first building built on the island. It was constructed by the Chinese laborers who came from San Francisco to work on it and the Hotel after the Gold Rush died down.
The island has a beautiful beach. While our weather wasn’t all that great, I could see why folks would want to come to enjoy the sun and sand. I amused myself with taking pictures of the seagulls and the sandcastles.
On the way home, I was blessed with clear sky. What fun it was to press my iPhone to the airplane window to capture the scenes below.
2 CommentsMary lockrow
Sep 10, 2018Love this history!
Sep 12, 2018Thank you for bringing memories alive once again!