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Exploring the Badlands

When I was a little girl, my brother who was four years older than me, occasionally got in trouble with our folks. Just normal goofy stuff that happens in childhood.

When he got scolded for some misdeed, he’d loudly announce, “I’m going to the Badlands.”  

Now keep in mind that he pretty much always wore a fringed western style jacket and a Davy Crocket coonskin hat.  He was fascinated with all things Western. 

Even so, his dramatic assertion confused me. 

I’d think, “Now why would anyone want to go to someplace called “The Badlands.”  Sounds awful.  

I was more into reading Nancy Drew books in a cozy corner of our small town home.  

Recently I had a chance to visit the Badlands and saw what fascinated him. I’m only sorry my big brother didn’t live long enough to know I made the trek to a place he loved. 

The Badlands

It was terrific to drive the loop through the dramatic and diverse landscape, smack dab in the middle of the prairie of South Dakota.

The Badlands have long been a choice destination for fossil hunters, as the stone here dates back roughly 75 million years to when the Great Plains were covered by a shallow, inland sea.

It’s an area where the cattle meander the roadways on their way home to dinner. 


I got a kick out of a famous retailer in the area called Wall Drug. We joined the more than two million people who shop and eat at this 80 year old institution in nearby Wall, South Dakota.   



Make no mistake, it is a lot more than a drug store. Clothing. Eating. Wall Drug also offers activities, gifts and souvenirs, visitor information and free ice water. No doubt about it. Wall Drug is a destination all on it’s own.  

It is a roadside attraction located in the town of Wall, South Dakota, adjacent to Badlands National Park.   We stopped for a Buffalo Burger.  Ymmmm.  

Tourist Trap? You bet.  

Fun? Sure thing.  

Don’t miss it.  

And don’t miss the Jackalope for picture taking on the way out.    



The jackalope is a mythical animal of North American folklore described as a jackrabbit with antelope horns. 

Post Author
Susan J. Smith
Susan's career includes writing for newspapers, lots of community work and a wonderful family life. Now she is enjoying traveling, photography and writing for DesignDestinations and Grand Rapids Magazine. She welcomes you on her journey and appreciates your comments.


  1. posted by
    Marie Preston
    Jul 15, 2024 Reply

    Definitely an area with an awesome landscape and touristy delight.
    I took that trip with my parents and siblings in the late 50’s, in a non-air-conditioned car, and again with our family, in an air-conditioned car, and Airstream trailer.
    Great memories both times! Thanks for reminding me😊

    • posted by
      Susan J. Smith
      Jul 15, 2024 Reply

      Glad you had such memorable experiences.

  2. posted by
    Candy Elisevich
    Jul 16, 2024 Reply

    I would love to visit the Badlands. And for sure photos with the Jackalope would be icing on the cake!

    • posted by
      Susan J. Smith
      Jul 16, 2024 Reply

      There is a lot to do in the Black Hills area. I was quite surprised actually. It was fun and I think you’d enjoy.

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