Photography tours are the BEST! I love taking lots of photos while exploring part of our magnificent world.
In June I went on an unusual Photo Tour—six days on a windjammer off the coast of Maine with two photography leaders from Maine Media.
Windjammers are wonderful historic boats used for years as major cargo haulers until roads and trucks became available. Now, there are 13 in Maine employed as tourist boats. We sailed on the Angelique which is part of the Maine Windjammer Association. We sailed in and out Camden with no specific itinerary, anchoring at night in lovely coves and harbors. For more about Camden, click here.
This is a terrific way to experience the Maine coast, live on a large sailboat and indulge in hobbies. If you go to the web site, you’ll see that a variety of specialty weeks are offered—wine tasting, yoga, grandparents, nature, in addition to photography. Trips vary in length as well.
So, what was it like?
Well, first of all, do know that the cabins are small and bathrooms shared. Wasn’t a problem. It’s a bit like camping. The food was terrific. We loved the young crew. About two-thirds of us had cameras in hand all the time, the rest of the 25 guests were along for the ride.

It was a great opportunity to take close up photos of different elements of the boat. As a group we shared our images with each other. I found seeing what the people photographed and how they did it to be inspiring.
We enjoyed watching the crew raise and lower the sails, but often participated. They are heavy huge canvases with no power winches aboard. Everyone could join in.
We got off the boat in a row boat, visiting the Wooden Boat School, small towns, lighthouses including one under repair and walking trails. More photo opportunities. All transfers on the rowboat were handled safely by the crew.
One night we went ashore for a lobster boil. Ymmmm. That was a special occasion.
It was fun and challenging to capture fog……..everyone on the photo tour seemed happy to have that opportunity.
I personally like creating photos with reflections or shadows. Here are a few of my efforts.

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4 CommentsJudi
Aug 12, 2019Looks like a great trip and experience. Love your photos!
Aug 12, 2019Thank you so much for your comment on my blog. Glad you liked the photos.
Aug 13, 2019The photo of the flag reflected in the water is one of my all-time favorites of yours. Thanks for the great blogpost.
Susan J. Smith
Aug 13, 2019Thanks so much for your nice comment.